
International B2B Platform to Search and Contact New Suppliers

CompanyContact is a platform that provides access to an online directory service for over 1,000,000 companies worldwide and obtain company information such as address, phone number, and contact emails.

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Over 1,000,000 Companies Worldwide

CompanyContact: is a free portal that contains company information (email addresses, phone numbers, fax...) and also provides a platform to showcase their products and offers. It features updated data from original and free services.

When searching for an email address or phone number, there is practically no reliable solution to find a company's email address.

The few existing directories hold addresses that are mostly outdated, as they have been abandoned or forgotten by their owners.

Not to mention spam, the abuse of commercial email prospecting makes it nearly impossible to maintain an email address for more than a few years. In general, there is no centralized company search managed by the companies themselves to update their personal information.


Are you the owner of a Company, Association, or Administration?

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List your Company on our professional directory by adding new offers and new products through your Company administration interface.

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